Feb 4

Fuel Me Forward

So it has been a while since I last posted! I have been changing things around here, making things new & mine.

Can I tell you in the past few weeks I have thought of a million topics or thoughts or questions even. Of course at the time I thought there was no way I would forget that great content.


Anyway, lately I have been digging deep inside me to search for some answers. I was given the opportunity to be in an amazing mentoring program for my business. Yes, a group of us all pushing for the exact same goal with all the same passion. The light bulb moments I have experienced have been eye-opening.

Can I ask you a question? What holds you back from chasing your dreams?

Sure the thought of failing scares me, but do you know what holds me back even more than that? A fear of SUCCESS. Is that not crazy?

I also have had to wrestle with allowing lack of support on any level from some people in my life to not weigh heavy on my heart. Those moments you see them cheering on success of someone else in the same journey, but you are invisible. At times it is hard on me; I’ll admit it. I allow it to hold me back as I question myself as to who I am as a person that has created this environment.

But, it always comes back to the same thing when I evaluate.

The bravest, scariest & best thing I have even done for myself was the day I stood up. The day I said, “this is me.” The day I stopped allowing negative-minded people to bring me down. The day I walked away from those who judged. The day I realized if people did not care about my happiness, then they did not care about me.


I put myself out there for judgement every single day. It is scary. I share my successes & my failures. I know fully there are people that sit on their phones or behind a computer screen & criticize my thoughts, my pictures, and my body. I have been told I am obsessed as in a negative way. It has been implied that I should have “mom guilt” because how can I workout when my girls are there & I could be spending time with them? Not to mention, told that the only thing I care about is working out & nothing else matters.

I used to allow opinions about me to bring me down, allowed judgement to get to me. Now I realize that judgement says more about who it comes from than of me.

You will always be too much of something for everyone, right?

So, as I continue to evaluate myself & analyze what holds me back and what drives me forward, I see the best thing I can do is be my own biggest fan! If I believe in me, if I trust me, if I am willing to put in the work – I know I can accomplish any goal I set.

If you sit there someday & read my post & think about judging or criticizing, know this about me:

I am a mom who has always had her daughters at the top of her list and been their rock, their support, their biggest fan every single day; I am a woman who once struggled with self-confidence, body image & her weight; I am an athlete & a workout every day allows me to be me; I am a busy mom who finds peace during her workout; I am a mom who wakes up early for her alone time so that she can give to her children all day & evening; I am a mom who is showing her kids a healthy lifestyle; I am a woman obsessed with feeling comfortable in her own skin; I am a person who fails; I am a strong & stubborn woman who tries her damn hardest to do it all; I am a woman committed to her own personal growth daily; I am a person with a passion to help others live a more fulfilling life.

More than anything I am a mom who is trying her absolute hardest to be the best she can be in raising her two beautiful, amazing girls & praying daily she does not fail them!

Because I am crazy enough to believe in me, because I am my own biggest fan, I will no longer allow the unbelief or the hope of failure from outside sources to get to me or stop me.

What once held me back will now fuel me forward.

Do you know what holds you back? Think about it! That light bulb moment could change your future.


Until Next Time~ *krisha*



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