Jan 18

That First Thought

I did not realize it at first. It took some time. But, eventually I recognized this old behavior.

Monday morning I looked in the mirror & said,

“You look so frumpy. I hate these jeans. They don’t fit right so they look like crap. I’m bored with sweatshirts + running shoes….”


Can I tell you how I felt ALL day long on Monday?


I drank more coffee than normal, I felt tired & unmotivated. I struggled at work & allowed things that were truly so insignificant to get me worked up.

All because of that moment I looked in the mirror & told myself I was frumpy & my jeans fit like crap.

What you focus on, what you tell yourself sets the tone for our day. It shapes our mindset.

Yesterday, I went to the gym on my lunch break to try the elliptical & treadmill. My plan was to just get in a mile before my orthotic follow-up to test them while running considering I have had no decrease in pain during my other workouts.

I started and instantly things felt off, things felt tight, things were in pain & my lungs could not handle it. It felt as if I had never ran a day in my life.

I stopped & walked, tried again, stopped & walked, tried again. I had tears building in my eyes right there in the middle of the gym with people in every direction.

I stopped for the final time short of a mile & told myself this was too hard. I was no longer a runner. I was all the way back at the beginning like I was five years ago. I focused on how difficult it had been for me to build up to a mile, then two, then a 5k, then five miles. I decided it was too hard. I could not do it again.

Not once did I focus on all of the positive moments of that journey. Not once did I stop to think about how amazing it was to be able to run one mile without stopping or the day I still remember when I ran five miles for the first time or the time I ran a 5k under 30 minutes or the fight to cross every finish line I attempted to cross.

I focused on the ugly. I focused on the hard parts.

But, I could have made the choice to focus on the gift of being able to start again. I could have focused on the positives that I can be active at all. I could have focused on the opportunity to hit each of those milestones all over again in a brand new journey.

Frumpy. Too hard. Can’t. Impossible.

I had it all wrong in those moments. I know the choice is mine every day on the messages my brain receives.

The truth is our brain is hearing every single thought we have. We have to shift our mindset to send out the right messages. The messages that are going to build us up. The messages that will help us create a better tomorrow. The messages that keep our hearts open. The messages that help us serve others.

My shirt gave me my sign as I ran…or tried to run. I just did not stop to see the direction of my mindset until later. What you focus on becomes your reality.


What messages are you giving yourself today? If you find its on the negative side, FOCUS on the good. Focus on the positives. Focus on the right stuff.

I will be over here focusing on the positives. The only messages I will receive from myself will sound like they are coming from my best friend becasuse that is the only way we should talk to ourselves.

Until Next Time~

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