Oct 20

My 21 Days

Rewind to just a month ago when I was feeling down & out…not like me. I was starting to slip back into the old me, the woman who looked in the mirror & tore herself apart.

Yes, I have been sidelined since August between being sick followed by an injury. I was out of my routine, I was slipping backwards faster than I ever imagined I could.

Something needed to change. I needed to get back to my way of life, which yes, involves a daily sweat. I am here to be your proof that endorphins do so much for your mental & emotional health.

I decided to take on the 21 Day Fix. When I began, I was a true beginner. It had been so long since I had been able to do a heart-pumping, body shaking, sweat dripping workout that truly, I was out of shape. Completely. Not only was my endurance at the bottom, but I had lost so much physical strength as well.

I told myself what I tell so many: there is a modifier for a reason. We don’t all start out being able to complete all the sets or able to do each move fully.

But, I took that step. I committed to the program & I began.

I look back now & realize how far I came in just 21 days. At the beginning, I struggled to make it through my thirty minute workouts, even with doing the modifications. But, at the end, I was thriving through my workouts! Some moves were still the modification due to my injury, but the modifications no longer came from lack of endurance or strength.

More importantly, however, I returned to the basics of nutrition. I was stuck in that mindset that I knew what a portion size was, I knew what I was eating every day so I didn’t need to track.

Sometimes, we need a tune up, just like the car we drive down the road. I used my containers to measure, I tracked my containers, I tried new foods & recipes. Guess what? I feel incredible & back on track with the way I fuel my body.

I can admit that I was scared. Scared to start….again. A part of me felt hopeless & wondered why I just don’t give up on this journey. That first step, that first day hitting play, a part of me said there was no point.

I am so thankful that I did not listen & found the courage to pull myself back up on the wagon & begin again. In 21 days, I returned back to feeling like ME! The me who loves & embraces her body for every flaw, weakness & imperfection it wears. My daily dose of endorphins gives me the mental & emotional clarity that is necessary for me.


I am back to me; back to my quest. I have the first 21 days under my belt & am ready to tackle the next 21.

Until Next Time~


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