It’s hump day again! The past seven days have been strange, honestly.
This week I have no picture to show. But, I can tell you the scale says I’m down two pounds.
How did that happen when I cannot workout?
Food. Nutrition. Meal planning. Trying new recipes & ideas.
So, here is the deal. I was so incredibly frustrated & heartbroken on Friday when I realized after again trying to run I no longer could. I will not fully admit the number of times I cried since then.
In my calf I have been experiencing a horrible pain a few minutes into a workout. It’s sort of on the side of it, towards the back. It has been bothering me for months, honestly. But, has increased greatly to where I can no longer push through the pain. Eventually it changes to a pain combined with numbing shooting up & down my leg. It alarms me a bit that even after having three weeks of pretty much complete rest with being sick, it did not heal even a little. Maybe forty-five minutes after a workout, I feel completely fine. Today I sit here wanting to go out for a run because I feel amazing, pain-free & no soreness! But, I know quickly after I would try, the pain would begin again.
{At this point, I am waiting for an evaluation with my physical therapist I have worked with for years. The doctor I saw at the clinic on Friday I am not sure I agree with him & truly felt he did not listen to anything I said or had been experiencing.}
I know it is extremely hard for some to understand why I was heartbroken. Many do not realize the feeling of having to drop out of the half-marathon & the full marathon you were working towards. Some people will never understand having to give up on big goals because they don’t set big, scary ones.
Then, there are those who love to tell me how bad running is on your body….I would like to point out that so is sitting on the couch! I know in my heart there were others happy to see me “fail.”
But, you see, I did not fail. I am doing what I promised myself from the beginning which was to listen to my body & not ignore it this time around. Besides, whatever might be ahead for me, I hope you know I always come back stronger & better than I was before.
To be honest, I cannot wait to see what lies ahead & the new challenges I will be able to take on!
Until Next Time~
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