Jun 2

The Hustle

I have shared a lot on here lately about being in a new season. I have shared finding myself in the woods alone totally unraveling but needing to follow the small glimmer of light. I have shared that I have lost myself and making decisions for others or based on outside expectations instead of my own.

That light, that small glimmer shining down, gave me the answers. I realized lately that I had lost sight of some of my priorities, things were getting tangled up. I felt this incredible pressure; the load I was carrying was just too great.

I would read or listen to personal development daily and could not find the answers. What was it that I was struggling with?

Last week I sat at sixth grade camp as a parent chaperone free from phone service and no social media. I sat there watching my daughter: the way her smile spreads across her face, the way her forehead looks when she is focused, the way her giggle comes from her toes.

In that moment I realized the only thing I wanted to hustle after was moments like that. I want to focus on those small moments of life, the small details that get missed when we hustle after more.

That glimmer of light reminded me of what life can be like if we are not living it distracted from our true values.

I know that I am incredibly blessed because my parents worked so hard and have built our family a legacy; I absolutely love coming to work every day with my family and working together towards a bright future. This is where I am meant to hustle and when I leave work at the end of a day, the only hustle I want to live is the one with the special people in my life.

I still have many passions. I still am passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and wanting that for others. I am incredibly passionate about coaching kids and this is a piece of my life I will never let go of.

Today what I am most passionate about is not missing the details of life that seem so small but yet bring peace to your heart that words can never express. Today I am passionate about the people in my life. Today I am passionate about coaching kids and building them up for a stronger future. Today I am passionate about staying true to the type of mom and woman I want to be.

Today I am passionate about not hustling after more and just being grateful for every little thing I have in my life.

Today I will watch my daughter’s face light up with her giggle that comes from her toes and I will not be too distracted to giggle with her.
Until Next Time~

Jun 1


Sometimes you find yourself feeling so lost; you find yourself having no idea about the direction you should go.

When I find myself there: it is like I am standing in the middle of the woods with no trail to follow. I’m alone; the only sounds I hear are coming straight from nature. It’s scary. There is only a tiny glimmer of sunlight shining through the tree tops. 

These are the moments where we have to look inside. We can no longer look to outside views, ideas, expectations. The only person we can rely on is ourselves. The only way to find our way out of the woods is to dig inside: you need to find that clarity on what the next right move is. You need to figure out which direction it is that you really want to go.

This moment has to be about you: your values, your personal expectations, your desires, your dreams.

Recently, I have found myself right in this place. I had to turn inward as I realized I was truly lost. What was it I needed? What did I want? What was missing?

I had to find a new way to search for answers as the old way of lacing up and pounding out the miles on the search for an answer is gone.

I have had moments of darkness. I have had moments where I felt like I was unraveling at warp speed and there was no stopping me.

Until now, in this moment, I see that unraveling was needed. I needed to unravel all the “stuff” of life. I had to find myself alone in the darkness and call on myself to find a way out,

The secret to this moment, this moment of clarity where I see I need to do what is best for me and for my family, was this:

It might have appeared dark in the woods, but there was always a glimmer of light shining through. 

That light was what I had to follow.

Until Next Time

May 23

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May 23

Real Talk

It’s time for some real talk. I need to hear it and perhaps you do too.

Sometimes we have to just accept that doing our best is different. My best right now might look like an absolute mess from the outside looking in. But, I have come to realize lately my best just looks different at times; it changes.

I’m in a season. A season raising two busy, active girls; the crazy that comes with this truly does rest solely on my shoulders. I don’t share that with anyone else. The practices, the games, the field trips, the doctor visits, the homework, the struggles….98 percent of that is me.

I love it. I am in a season where my girls are growing and changing so fast; they are in season of playing sports that they love. They are in a season of learning life lessons daily. They are in a season that has daily challenges; some of those challenges you win and some you lose.

As a mom, I am in a season where I do not want to miss a thing. Here is the thing: they are growing so fast. If I was to be honest, when they were babies, I missed so much.

Even though I was right there, the stress of life caused me to not stop to just take in the moments and be as present with them as I am now; present in taking in every moment and looking at the way their eyes light up when they smile.

Right now my best looks different. In the hustle and bustle of spring time, our “healthy” meals do not look as good and might not be quite as healthy as they are during a different time of year. My workouts are not as frequent. My water drinking is lacking because well, let’s be honest, I am at a ball field pretty much every night and I’m not that big of a fan of port-a-jons!

Our best changes; our seasons change. This is a season where I want to soak it all in. I want to continue being the one in the front row seat; the biggest fan. I want to be the one to be right there talking about the challenges of the day; the victories & the lessons learned.

So, for now, my best looks different. We will happily eat meals that are not completely clean or perfectly prepped; we might miss out on eating all our veggies or fruits for a day. My workout might consist of only my physical therapy exercises and nothing more.

But, for right now, I am proud of my best because I love the season I am in and there is nothing I would change.


{and this season requires really big “mom life” coffee cups}

Until Next Time~

May 19


It’s crazy. Here, in the dark, after the lights go out and the house is silent is where the words come to me. In the silence, alone, with nowhere to hide.

I do not know where it happened.

I do not know how or when.

But, I know I am here today feeling lost. Somewhere along the journey, I have gotten lost.

I look in the mirror and I want to throw something at the reflection. I don’t like what I see.

I don’t see that person I worked so hard to grow into. She is hiding behind anything she can. The confidence is gone. The smile she would shine on her face doesn’t show. Her personality once shining so bright now appears to be lacking.

I didn’t see it at first. But now, its all I see. Something in that mirror, something in that reflection is missing.

I lay here in the dark and realize that I am missing. Along my journey, I have stopped being true to me.

I have been making decisions based on what I thought I should do. I have been living with this pressure to be someone I’m not.

I don’t know the last time I made a decision for me or did what it was I truly wanted to do.

I used to wake up feeling inspired. Every day. Now, I feel like that feeling is gone and I’m just trying to live up to someone else’s standards or pressure to be someone I’m not. I’m so worried about being inspiring, that I forgot you must be inspired in order to be inspiring.

The beauty of finding yourself lost is that you can always find yourself again. Now that I see what is missing in the mirror, I have the chance to move forward in a direction that is true to me.

A direction that someday soon I will look back into that mirror and there will not be anything missing and what I will see looking back will be a woman just trying her best every day but staying true to herself to do that. FullSizeRender

Until Next Time~

Apr 21

A New Day

Every single day, I told myself it was ‘A New Day.’ Every new day brings a chance for improvement, right?

I will admit, I had high hopes. I was confident. I’m the kind of person who always takes on challenges with a smile.

Earlier this week, I knew I was standing at the beginning of my last test. Up until this moment, I had been hopeful I would be able to participate in a few shorter distance races this spring. I was not willing to give up yet. This was the moment I knew I needed to listen instead of denying it all.

That day in the middle of the White Pine Trail, I stood there with tears streaming down my eyes. I didn’t care that other people saw me. I could not hide the pain behind a smile anymore. I was too tired.

I have tried everything; I have listened to my body taking more rest days than I have in years. I have switched up programs when I notice my body saying, “hell no K.”

I tried a heavily modified MMA style workout but my leg could not do it. I switched to lifting & found after a while I had to put the weights down when it came to my leg & eventually I found I could barely do the moves without weights. I walked away from extra weight & switched to an extremely modified HIIT program & found the fire returning in my leg. I tried yoga & my legs wanted to scream. I ran & rarely got past just a few minutes before it arrived again. I tried walking. It just does not seem to matter.

Some days from the moment I get out of bed, I feel it. I feel the pain in my leg driving my car. I fight through the pain when I’m trying to be active with my girls. I have to cry through the pain carrying laundry baskets from the basement to the upstairs.

I lay in bed at night & see the swelling in my foot and ankle; sometimes my knee too. I lay awake at night tossing & turning trying to get comfortable while my leg feels like there is a fire burning sky high inside. Some nights, I cannot even move my toes. For real.

I stretch all day long. Every morning, every time I go to the bathroom. I stretch nonstop throughout my day….sometimes I feel like it consumes most of my day yet brings me zero relief.

The issue isn’t a simple thing that resting can heal or massaging or PT. Because my genetics gave me extremely high arches, over time, my body essentially has become deformed. The middle or inside part of my foot literally never touches the ground. The outside part of my leg & foot bear all the weight. I got custom made orthotics but even those cannot correct me as I’m still on the outside of my foot. It’s partly because my foot literally is not able to be flexible & get itself in the correct position. It’s physically impossible.

Because of the construction of my foot, my calf muscles are way too short. So no matter what I do, my leg muscles always feel tight…they are being pulled so hard every single day. I cannot even find the right words to explain the way they feel…perhaps a bit like playing tug of war all day long.

I have been an athlete all my life. I have struggled with my ankles, spraining them more times than I can recall. Still to this day, I can be walking down the road & it will give out on me. Even times I have literally fallen to the ground because of it {ask my girls, they have laughed at me}. I have struggled with my calf muscles forever. Anytime I worked with top instructors or coaches or doctors or had to attend physical therapy for injuries, all I have ever been told is how tight my leg muscles are; how inflexible I am.

This is the way my body is built. This is not something that is going to just disappear on me someday. This is a lifelong condition I have. It’s not an injury from overuse; it’s not a stress fracture to be healed. It is here & I have to find what works for my body to continue living my life.

The surgical option my orthopedic surgeon recommended is a less invasive one than the other option & would allow me to eventually live my life the way I want. It is essentially transferring a few tendons in my foot. It would also involve going in to my calf & lengthening that.

I have not made a decision yet but I also know I cannot live the way I want on this track I’m stuck on. The pain began to sideline me last May and here I am just shy of a year later. At this point, I am waiting until I see a knee specialist to confirm there is no tear or anything in there either with the level of pain I have been experiencing there.

I can tell you what I will not be doing regardless of my decision: I will not be giving up. I am still going to be here sharing my journey, doing what I can. I cannot allow this to be my excuse. My direction may shift a little, my goals may need to change. But, I am not going to sit down & say, “well, there is no point in trying. I might as well just wait until after surgery.”

No, I can make myself stronger. I can still work on me. I will also be focusing so much on my nutrition because my calorie burn is going to drop significantly.

I’m still going to be here; showing up. I’m going to be here proving that there is always something we can do, that fighting for a healthy body is worth it. Yes, I am sure I am going to have days of struggles that will make my emotions run crazy high, I will have days where the desire to quit will be high but if there is one thing I have learned, it is this:

Today is a new day. A new day of opportunities & chances. It’s a new day & you never know what you might find if you just stay open to it.

Until Next Time~

Apr 13

I Cried.

I told myself I was a failure. I talked to myself as if I was alone; like no one else had traveled this road before.

I cried.

I cried when I looked at this new before picture. I did not want to believe it was me. I did not want to believe I had gone this far backwards. This picture was never going to be shown.

I acted as if I was the only woman in the history of losing weight to gain some back.

I know better. I know I am never alone in this journey.

On April 5th, I blogged this:

I had a breakthrough. It looked a lot like day one of a truly incredible comeback. I’m letting go of who I was yesterday, last year, two years ago, or who I was the day I finished my marathon. I’m looking forward to who I want to become.

I meant it. I went back to my journey being about me. I let ago of striving for perfection & aimed to just do a little better every day. I made changes. I switched to a new program that would fuel my heart & push me past my limits. I got my portion controlled containers back out for everything. I drank my superfoods every single day.

Ten days. These two pictures are just ten days apart. PicMonkey Collage


The inside…..that transformation is even better than the outside. In ten days my mindset has shifted in so many incredible ways.

This is my journey of imperfect progress. You will never catch me giving up.

Until Next Time~

Apr 7


Do you know those kinds of days? I woke up with a sore throat & stuffy head so I reset my alarm…or so I thought. I woke up super late to a “Good morning beautiful” text from my guy; couldn’t get a full shower; didn’t do my hair; only threw on some eye makeup & never did put concealer or foundation on my face; & rushed out the door in tennis shoes & a baggy sweatshirt.

I dressed frumpy because I felt frumpy. I looked frumpy. This set the tone for my entire day.

I could have changed the day by the clothes I wore, I could have changed the day by taking just five minutes to do my hair.

Tired. Lazy. Zero motivation. All. Day. Long.

I got home and as soon as my girls left for their dad’s house, I headed upstairs to put on my workout clothes knowing that the longer I waited to do this, the higher the chances I would not push play. Well….I ended up crawling into bed using the excuse that I needed to reply to a few potential clients.

I’m not sure how long I laid there but I can tell you there was ZERO part of me that wanted to workout. I told myself I could double up tomorrow. I told myself one day doesn’t really matter. I told myself that I was just too tired. I told myself that I really didn’t care that much.

In that moment I cared more about being lazy than I did my goals.

This is the reason I always say that you cannot rely solely on motivation. Motivation comes and goes. I could have laid there & read 100 quotes, I could have looked at 10 success stories. It would not have worked in that moment.

Discipline….that’s what you have to lean on. I forced myself up to change reminding myself that I had set goals….HUGE GOALS. I reminded myself that my challengers showed up today in our group, now it was my turn.

I had to force myself. I told myself that excuses simply could not win unless I wanted to give up on my goals for the 1,000,000th time in my 36 years.

I am not always motivated. I do not always want to workout. But, I do always have goals to keep me pushing. I do always have a strong why that I try to stay rooted in. I do have a supportive community that pushes me to show up daily. I do have discipline because at the end of the day, that’s how we become successful.

Successful people do what others are not willing to do.

By the conclusion of my sweat intervals workout, I no longer felt frumpy. In fact, I felt dang good. I felt proud, happy, confident.


I followed that up with a yoga post-cardio workout from my On Demand library as my calves did give me some extra struggles.

Just to put the icing on the cake….this morning I put on a pair of jeans that I haven’t worn in months. They fit perfect. No squeezing in.


Day 3….Max out at 7:49. A cross between the full move & the modifier.

Until Next Time~

Apr 6

Day 2 & Non-Dairy Cheese

My day two started with me having to stop whatever I was doing to walk outside and stand in awe of this.


No filter here. I like to start my days with listing at least three things I’m grateful for & I don’t mean every day I list the obvious things, like family, but I could not get much further than this amazing view & the promise that it brings with a new day; a fresh start.

My workout was Tabata Power & I love Tabata. I promised myself I was mostly sticking with the modifier considering on day one the fire in my leg came back with a vengeance & that was not a place I was willing to go again.

I maxed out at 11:50 but after that point, I will admit I really struggled pushing through the moves. Not because of my leg, but because I am a beginner. Because my endurance needs work and my strength needs to be built again. Guess what? Everyone started somewhere & even if they have started in the same place a handful of times, they are still trying. They have yet to give up & well, this is me.


My food intake was good today. I had my vegan superfoods for breakfast at work. Coffee, chocolate….how could anyone go wrong?


I will be honest & tell you that we have zero food in our home right now due to being out of town & I haven’t hit the grocery store yet. My lunch yesterday demonstrates that perfectly. The most boring salad. The other problem was that it left me hungry not long after eating it. Zero protein & was basically just lettuce.


I hit that wall in the afternoon at work & it is a struggle point for me. It makes me want to grab a pop for a kick of caffeine. It makes me want to grab something from the candy dish. It makes me want to walk into our lunch room & grab a handful of chips. I feel tired in that moment & I am hungry.

Yesterday, I won the battle & enjoyed an apple with some almond butter. Plus, this filled me up for an evening of gymnastics practice leading to late dinner!

This past week in Ohio my daughter’s doctor recommended we try going lactose free as well as being test for other incoherences, celiac, etc. We slowly cut down while being out of town but it was hard staying in a hotel to make this change that I felt uneducated on.

So, now that we are home this trial has begun. I am a believer that a leader has to lead by example and I think a parent must do the same. I cannot preach to my kids about eating healthy if I am shoving down bowls of ice cream & bags of chips. In support of my daughter, we are all joining her. Not that we will be perfect, but at least not constantly singling her out that she has to eat that, while we enjoy this.

She wanted to try flat-out pizza last night with cheese she can have. I am so proud of how much she is excited to try new things & experiment. We stopped off to the store & I allowed her to grab some products to try. We got home & made up our pizzas with non-dairy cheese on all of them.

It was interesting, it will be something we will need to get an acquired taste for but my daughter felt very loved by the fact that we were in this with her. No one ever wants to feel alone.

Day 2 in the books. Food — check. Max out — 11:50.

Until Next Time~

Apr 5

The Breakthrough

I know. Trust me. I wish I could tell you the number of times I have thought, “is it even worth it anymore?” I wish I could tell you the number of times I said to myself, “why bother, you’re going to fail again.”

This journey is hard. It is like riding a crazy rollercoaster ride every day. You find days you might just coast, others where you feel like you are fighting so hard to reach the top of the hill and others days where you are tumbling down the hill so fast you cannot seem to stop yourself.

Being out of town gave me so many ah-ha moments this past week. Being in a slower atmosphere without rushing from work to practices to home to school to here & there gave me time to look inside.

What did I find?

I found a woman who almost did not recognize herself. I found that inside me lived to many self-limiting beliefs. I found a woman who was constantly self-sabotaging herself. I found a woman with too many doubts and not much strength in her mindset.

I took Sunday and Monday off from workouts. I prayed. I thought. I brainstormed. I researched.

Last night was my breakthrough moment.

I decided to switch to a HIIT style program; lifting weights on my lower body was not working well at all with my foot/knee/leg. I was finding too often that I had to drop the weights, I was seeing that my body was requiring way too many rest days.

As I pushed play last night I again wondered if this was right for me. The pain in my leg returned like it was 4 months ago — a fire burning so damn hot inside me.

I maxed out at 7:24 & when I say this, I hope you note I am following the modifier over half of the time & I have zero shame in this.

I pushed through the 30 minute workout heavily modifying & at times having to walk away to stretch & allow the fire inside my leg to die down just a little.

When it came to an end, it was a gorgeous evening out & I was home alone. I wanted to test my leg on this workout versus running so I swapped my inserts from my shoes into my running shoes & made the choice that even if I only ran 0.5 of a mile, I wanted to test my body.

I started. I kept going. I can’t say fast; it was incredibly slow. I knew I could not push my body in speed; but I began to wonder if I could push the distance. I turned around a little over a mile and decided I was going to aim for 3. FullSizeRender

I hit that point. That point where everything in me wanted to STOP. I wanted to just walk it back nice & slow. I wanted to say that I could stop short & no one would know but me. I wanted to tell myself that I just can’t handle running 3 miles anymore.

Not this time.

For the first time in forever, I pushed through that wall without even stopping to take a walk break. I pushed through that point. I pushed through that moment where everything in my body wanted me to quit early.

When I finished I had two choices. I could have looked at my pace & thought to myself how slow I was now compared to back then. I could have told myself how weak I was because it felt so hard.

Or I could have chosen to be proud. I could have been proud that I kept pushing. I could have been proud that I was fighting to get back to where I want to be. I could have been proud that I haven’t given up just yet. I could have been proud that I was still determined.

I made the choice to be proud. I made the choice to not compare myself to the me from the past & instead focus on who I wanted to be today & tomorrow. I made the choice to tell myself that I am worth it; my health is worth it.

I made the choice in that moment that those self-limiting beliefs were trashed. I know I can succeed at anything I truly set my mind to achieve but I have been holding myself back for far too long.

I had a breakthrough. It looked a lot like day one of a truly incredible comeback. I’m letting go of who I was yesterday, last year, two years ago, or who I was the day I finished my marathon. I’m looking forward to who I want to become.

It might be hard to tackle this journey all over again; it is hard to accept that you have gone backwards. But, in my eyes, it’s harder to just stay feeling stuck than it is to fight forward.

Day one in the books. Max out at 7:24. 3 miles ran. Food on point. Progress will begin.

PicMonkey Image

Until Next Time~