Something That Scared Me
Not Today In This Mama’s Heart
I reminded her this morning that we had to stay brave, we had to stay open to new possibilities. No matter how many times we strike out, we have to strut back up to the plate & try again. If we are willing to keep trying, eventually, we will hit a home run. Who knows, maybe even a grand slam.
Laughter Makes the Best….
I cannot tell you the last time I laughed this much!
Like stomach muscles hurt!
This weekend kicked off with my bestie & I taking our older daughters out for a little date night picking up our 5k race packets & some homemade root beer and pizza. Oh boy, did we laugh! My daughter, Jacee & her best friend are too much fun together! Their friendship is refreshing to watch: there is no judgement, complete openness & comfort with each other! They are simply themselves, there is no pretending! Something that seems to be hard to come by much of the time!
Saturday morning, again with my bestie & her family, we ran the 5k for Breast Cancer! I stayed with my Jacee & it was such a joy! She did amazing running every step of the way! There is just something about crossing that finish line with your daughter….
From there, we ran home to shower & pack before we ran back out the door so that I could attend a team meeting for my health + fitness business at my upline’s home! I absolutely LOVE being around like-minded & passionate people!
After that, my girls were off to stay the night with their best friends & my bestie, Roberta, & I headed out to Lansing for the half-marathon part of our weekend!
We ate food….a lot of food!
We walked across the road from our hotel to go sit & enjoy a pre-race drink! Of course, we made friends that were a riot to talk to!
Then, we laughed for hours as we tried to fall asleep!!
Finally, Sunday Race day arrived! After about 4 in the morning, I could not sleep. I was so incredibly nervous! I was not trained for this & can’t say I have even worked out as hard or as much in the past few months as I have in the past few years. It’s that adrenaline rush in the pit of your stomach…the same one I would get before pitching a big softball game!
The thing is….putting yourself at the start line is putting yourself out there with a good chance of failing. So many times since beginning running before I sign up for a race, I will honestly ask myself “but what if you fail & everyone knows?” Finally….I realize the only true failure is in not trying; its me not putting myself out there to fail & refusing to step outside of my comfort zone.
You stand there at the start line & although you are trying to pep talk yourself up; there are always doubts.
This was not my best race but it went better than what I had set myself up for! If I would take away my stop in McDonald’s (not for fries! But for the restroom – I didn’t have time to wait in line before the race started) at about miles 4-5 & me stealing half a roll of toilet paper to blow my nose (I NEVER forget kleenex – first time for everything!!) with for the next 5 miles thanks to the onset of my cold, along with some excruciating foot pain I might have pulled off a pretty decent time! Not to mention, although a beautiful course, it felt like I was going up & down constant hills! For real….not much flat ground!
My bestie rocked the heck out of her run smashing her previous half-marathon time! I was like a proud mama!!!
Such a great weekend! Being able to share in these race journeys with someone else makes it a million times better! We laughed so hard all weekend, challenged each other, pushed each other for what is next & enjoyed every mile! All 16.2 of them!
Until Next Time~
At My Best?
I was in the best shape of my life.
I was getting ready to step my feet up to the starting line of an extremely difficult challenge.
A day that would change me.
A journey that already had changed me.
As I look back, part of me quickly points out that I am not the same person, almost as if I have gone backwards.
Physically, she is right….I am not at my best.
I cannot knock out a five mile easy run like it is nothing. I cannot hold a plank for minutes. I cannot squat a ridiculous amount of squats before I take a break. There are even clothes in my closet that I don’t like the way they fit right now.
But, on the other hand, I think I am at my best. Honestly, I am incredibly happy at this point in time.
At this time last year I had only been separated for a short time. I had endured daily struggles adjusting my life to what would become my new normal.
Since a year ago, I have traveled through divorce which is scary, emotional, stressful, depressing,….adjusting myself & my girls while learning to balance being single & keeping my girls’ needs as my number one.
I have had many fights, sleepless nights, tears dealing with my daughter’s health: testing, trial & errors of different regimens, decisions on surgery, & now finding the right recipe for her regimen still so her nights can be pain-free.
There has been a lot of life, a lot of changes, in the past year. Yes, at times, my fitness has had to be pushed to the side a little here & there.
But, today I think I am at my best. In the past year I have learned so much about myself, grown so much. I have learned to truly love exactly the person I am, regardless of who loves me or who does not want to accept my imperfections.
It is SO incredibly freeing to feel like this!!!
I know that I am enough; I am me. I have changed my life & built my present & my future to be around those who do love me for the person I am, the ones that push me to be better, those who believe in me & my dreams. I will never forget the people who were there to support me whether it was during my adjustments to single, my daughter’s surgery time or my dream as a health + fitness coach.
I have followed a passion of mine that I have been dreaming about for years – becoming a health + fitness coach to help others, to encourage others. I want to help change lives, I want to help shape the future one person at a time. I was led to the exact right person at the exact perfect moment in time to take this leap of faith.
So, this weekend I will be running a half-marathon. Nope, I am not planning on a PR. I am not even planning on running every stride. I have not trained for this; although I tried time & time again – my biggest focus lately has been on my daughter & that has simply taken so much of my time but also my energy. Sure, I got in a few miles here & there but not what I intended. I can say that I am proud that I haven’t quit; I haven’t given up.
But, this weekend is not about the medal or the finish time. First, it is about my buddy, Kingsley, who is my coach & I am his running legs. Secondly, it is about running & being with my bestie who has been such a rock for me in the past year. Without her, I don’t know where I would be today. Third, its for my girls, like always. They are proud of mom & her running & I truly believe that it is showing them a wonderful example.
Last, but not least, this weekend is about the journey in the past year. A journey, truly, of a thousand miles. My past has had many dark moments, but my present is glowing with such a bright light. There is no doubt in my mind that next year I will be ready for a full marathon again after a year filled with amazing love, endless laughter & incredible people to share every step with.
Until Next Time~
This Would Not Have Been the Outcome
A night where once the outcome would have been different.
A picture like this would have never been taken or shared:
My laundry basket that was supposed to be tackled sits untouched in the background.
My kitchen sink got left like this:
However, I was supposed to be in dream land by 10:30 & here I sit awake & writing.
This was a night where our routine did not go well. My little Bear ended up a mess from her nighttime routine. It was a night of awful pain from her cramps to loud screams and big tears that led to her getting sick. It was a very intense two hours. All three of us girls ended with tears.
Sheer exhaustion hit us all by the end. My plan of getting a load of laundry done never happened. My kitchen didn’t get cleaned like normal. My ab workout I had intended to do was left undone.
Once both my girls drifted off to sleep, I grabbed my yoga mat. I needed to unwind, to settle, to stop & take a deep breath in the moment.
There was a time where I would have turned elsewhere. I would have poured a glass of wine…and chances are a second glass. There was a time I would have gone to the kitchen & shoved whatever I could find in my mouth at a ridiculous fast pace with really zero idea of what I consumed.
As I allowed my body to stretch & relax, I found myself lost in a moment of self-pride. Proud that I was allowing myself to not be perfect & letting the laundry & dishes to stay untouched for tonight. Proud that I turned to a healthy activity versus trying to de-stress via ways that were not ever going to provide my any true comfort (Don’t get me wrong here….there are nights still where I will be pouring myself a glass of wine & will enjoy it very much!! But because I want it & not for comfort).
I’m growing daily to love the imperfect me. The me that doesn’t have to finish her to do list. The mom that isn’t afraid to allow the day’s events to lead her to tears. The woman that loves & respects her body & treats it that way.
There was day I would have been ashamed to admit most of this. But, I have promised myself to show the real me; never fake & not simply the highlight reel of my life.
Tonight, I had tears, I was stressed, I felt defeated. But, the changes in me I saw at the end of the night is allowing me to lay my head on my pillow now feeling & believing that “it will get better.”
Until Next Time~
The Adventures of Bear & a New Passion!
What To Call It….Re-something
I am not sure if I shall say I am re-directing…
I have.
Pretty sure I make them daily.
Okay, not sure….positive.
In the last year I have truly stripped myself down to the core.
I have questioned myself, I have dug deep, I have pushed myself over the edge.
I have taken deep looks at the most inner layer of myself…you know the layer most people want to ignore & pretend it doesn’t exist.
I had to accept my responsibility in my failings.
I had to look hard to find the reasons why things failed; what I did wrong instead of ignoring my faults & not accepting any blame.
I did some things very wrong; I made mistakes. I even would say I damaged some bridges I never meant to.
But, I was on a quest; a woman who had been so alone, so unloved, so unaccepted for so long that I did not even know who I was or who truly cared about me anymore.
I was living in a dark place screaming at the top of my lungs for help, for love, for someone to grab my hand.
In my yelling, I pushed some people away who maybe were there & I misunderstood them.
In my journey in the last year going from married to separated to divorced & then back in the world of dating all while finding the real *krisha* again there have been an endless amount of lessons.
The Glimmer
So much reflection going on inside this mind of mine.
We didn’t get to church today; just was not in our cards this morning for Laynee, so I sit here instead deep in my own thoughts & prayers.
I cannot tell you the number of times I have found tears in my eyes since returning back home this week from our surgery trip.
Happy tears.
Grateful tears.
Amazed tears.
I came home to a house that my mom had arranged and paid for to be completely clean for this full-time working mom that is on her own. The carpets were even cleaned. Although I had done extra cleaning up before leaving so I did not have to walk into a mess, walking into a house that was totally & completely clean was incredible. My mom also did some other random jobs around here for me. She has the most giving heart I have ever known.
My daughter arrived home to another fun “get well” gift bag on the front porch & fun “welcome home” signs hanging on the garage from her sister & cousin. The next two days, Laynee received flowers to the house & so many more cards in the mail. I came home to my favorite hard cider sitting in my fridge…..which I immediately poured myself a glass.
In the days since, I have received so many more messages from those praying for us or had been thinking about us. I still get daily texts from family & friends checking in to see how things are progressing.
The other night I was treated to a “spoil mom night.” My girls got a bubble bath ready complete with wine & music while dinner was being made. I sat there with tears & the biggest smile on my face & a heart that was simply busting with love.
For the past year, I had been traveling through a storm. There were many dark, scary days. Days where I felt the rain may never quit. Days I wondered if the lightning would strike & knock me down to the ground. Days where the wind was so strong, I could only go backwards.
There were times I reminded myself that sometimes you have to travel through a storm, you have to fight & stand strong. After the storm ends, the sun comes back out & if you are lucky, you might find a rainbow.
This weekend I have just been full of true joy. My girls are healthy (yes, Laynee has her “issues” but in general she is a healthy seven year old girl). I have some truly amazing people by my side that really just love me for me; the real me. We have so much love in our home; in our world.
Today I can say that right now….in this moment…
I am so truly happy; the sun shines all day & even when it does get dark, I can always find just a small little glimmer of light reminding me that the storm will end & that no matter what, the sun will be back.
So, today I want to say thank you for being a blessing in my life! Always, always, look for the light no matter how small of a glimmer.
Until Next Time~
Home Sweet Home.
After ten days of pretty much zero sleep for this mama, I am currently in my very own bed! Not to mention how amazing it felt to squeeze my Jacee!!!
After her surgery when the surgeon told us they removed a foot of her colon and that it was coiled up like a snake inside her, I almost felt a sense of relief. For years I have known there was more to it when I was told she was withholding or that it was just this or that or just her not listening to her body. To know that having this surgery was needed and to know all this time there was a real reason gave me a deep sigh of relief that I wasn’t crazy.
With this sweet little girl I never know what each day may bring. We had many times of struggles there but times of laughter too. Times I had to really call on my strength when all I wanted to do was cry. I found myself praying through a lot of moments: times of fear, times of weakness, time of loneliness.
Monday we did our first Malone flush together out of the hospital. They had been very painful previously and docs kept changing the recipe around. Right after we started, she began crying in pain. Horrible pain. An hour into it she began looking pale, started having extreme chills when she is always hot, and then began to vomit. I thought she was about to pass out. I immediately stopped the IV. She was crying and scared, I had already been fighting the tears for an hour as I just wanted to take away the hurt. I was so heartbroken, scared, alone, nervous.
I began to clean up and she saw I was crying and asked if I was.
Funny how we think as parents we are supposed to teach our children about life. But somehow they teach us. The lessons that come along for the ride with them change us. Their spirits, their smiles, their strength, their bravery, their constant love and their willing to believe.
We still have some work to do. I am still working with her two doctors on the right recipe for her Malone. I understand now that her colon may never work on her own; she may always have to force it. But, this surgery is still a step forward for her. I felt so much more confident this morning after her team stopped by again & one of her docs went over so many different scenarios with me on what to do or change. Not to mention, that I was given an e-mail address that the top 2 docs of this program monitor & respond. So any questions or issues we may have, gets to be taken to the top dogs! Have I mentioned that one of the nurses told me that they now have all fifty states covered for patients traveling just for this incredible team & also a handful of different countries. They are so extremely passionate about what they do & for these kids to live normal lives or as close to normal as they can.
As her mama, I will stay strong for her, be her biggest cheerleader, her best friend, her rock… In that moment the other night where she said those sweet little words to me is a moment I will always treasure.