Jul 24

WIW & Moving Foward

Pretty Strong Medicine 

So here we are again on a Wednesday. I did get on the scale this morning but I’m not sure if it was up or down from last week because I was on a scale break-up for the most part then (but, it’s down from a few days ago after I kick my own butt)!  However, I’m back in a relationship with it for now. I think right now I need the feedback, but I am also reminding myself daily that the ### does NOT define me. If I start going back to being my worst enemy weighing myself, I’ll have to break up with that witch again! 

But for now – I’m moving forward. Yesterday I admitted how much **It Just Got Real for me trying to get dressed for work. I’m over being mad at myself. I’m moving forward!

I am going to get back to my basics, the “Honeymoon Phase” with Weight Watchers is the term I prefer to use! Back to tracking, which I have been HORRIBLE at for the past year (probably WHY the scale is up), I set back up my 4 times a day reminders on my phone to track & Imma Gonna Rock This!

I’m also super pumped because I just ordered ChaLean Extreme the other day – PUMPED! I intend on doing a hybrid schedule of that with Turbo Fire! 

Yes, I love to run. Yes, I am suppose to run a half-marathon in October. Yes, I used to love running. I couldn’t wait for my run every day. I’m not sure why, but right now, I loathe it almost. I don’t want to do it & it makes me grumpy! No, having a half-marathon on the schedule doesn’t motivate me right now (I was training last summer for it & was rocking until I had to stop via my Orthopedic doc due to a pinched nerve that was killing me when running). When I had to stop running, I deferred my registration to this fall but now I don’t like running. I’m going to take a couple weeks off from focusing on it & maybe that desire & fire will return!

On another note, we celebrated my baby’s FIFTH birthday on Saturday….how is she 5? 

 It was suppose to be a super sunny gorgeous day……the weather peeps were a bit “off target!” But, we still  had a blast & the sun did come up eventually!

Until Next Time~

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